The Hands Of Gratitude

The hands of gratitude are the most powerful hands. Gratitude itself if so essential in one’s life and when expressed, can bring a lot of positivity in their life. Gratitude, sadly, has been forgotten today. Everyone’s life has turned so busy that we have stopped being thankful for anything and everything. We barely thank our friends for the smallest of their gestures, and mainly, we barely thank the higher energy and thank Him for whatever we are blessed with. We must realize that even having a roof on our head, having a safe home, getting basic education is something many are not fortunate to have. Being in Christ University at least means that we have a stable house hold income and high education facility, which is something a major part of the world lacks.

Joined hands, also create peace in the mind and soul and yoga claims it to be. Which is why ‘assanas’ and meditation both start post joining our hands, and so does Suryanamaskara.

They say once you start expressing gratitude, you are consciously aware of things and thereby you value them. In our busy lives, we are so busy in our daily routine that we don’t pay attention to any of this. We all live in a misconception that ‘this has to happen’, for instance that ‘my friends are helping me because it’s their job to do so’, it’s only once we lose them do we realize them. Why do we lose them? Due to lack of appreciation.

The hands of gratitude radiates positive energy, since someone who appreciates things in life also appreciates people, and people love being appreciated, and it’s a cycle!

This is why even in Hinduism and Sikhism, we pray with our hands joined. This is because in Indian culture, joined hands signify respect. Respect to God, respect to elders when we greet them.

Joined hands, however, also signify pain and agony and misery, which is why a beggar will join his trembling hands for money.

Joined hands, can portray a number of things in the Indian culture. From thankfulness to helplessness.

Niharika Sodhi

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